DC ComicsRebirth

Trinity #1

trinity-i1Quick Summary

Pros: The socialization and humor between the members of the trinity were great to witness and the budding relationship there is enough to make any fan excited. Also the comic was a nice break from hardcore action present in most comics.

Cons: Some may not like the fact that there was no real conflict or action present in this issue.

Overall: This issue was a wonderful breath of fresh air in an industry dominated by ever-present action and constant high stakes in most comics, however not everyone will like that about it. This also builds a lot of excitement for the rest of this series.


This is a cute and simple little story that serves as a great opening to this brand new series. Although not packed with action or even featuring an enemy to overcome, the story still manages to get one excited for the next issue, possibly even more so. The reason is because of how well it portrays the characters and their relationships to one another. In reading this, you see these superheroes as real people and thus the issue becomes more personal and grounded. I was a big fan of the story in this issue and it got me incredibly excited to see what Manapul will be delivering next.

(spoilers start here)

This comic feels like the antithesis of what Rebirth is about, a connection of the past to the present. In this, pre-Flashpoint Superman finally is able to have a sit down conversation and meeting with Batman and Wonder Woman. These characters were close enough to almost feel like a family before Flashpoint but feel more like co-workers after Flashpoint. Hopefully, this will be the comic to rectify this problem and bring together the best parts of both worlds together. Obviously this is the general theme for Rebirth but it is nice to see a comic actively working towards it.

One of the best things about this issue, in my opinion, is the fact that there is no real conflict featured in it. In modern comics, it can often seem like every single story needs to be filled to the brim with action or conflict in some way. I find this to get very tiring as it leave the reader with very little room to breath in between stories. Having a nice issue, every now and then, where we can simply learn a little more about the characters and appreciate their personalities is more than warranted. This is that issue and is part of the reason why I liked this issue so much. However, I will acknowledge that this type of comic is not for everyone so I do not expect everyone to love this comic because of this.

In addition to all of these larger reasons to love this comic there are also a few smaller ones, like the humor and lightheartedness. Diana bringing a boar to the meal, Jon blasting Bruce thus forcing him to wear Clark’s shirt, and the return of the Rainbow Batman make for a fun and funny comic book. Personally just having Rainbow Batman make an appearance at all gives this comic an A+ in my book.

(spoilers end here)


This Francis Manapul double feature shows off that Manapul’s art is just as good as his writing is, and vice-versa. The art here is good throughout and even breathtaking in some places. Manapul is an incredibly talented artist who plays with landscapes, people, and especially shadows in a truly amazing way. I am not usually too much of an art snob when it comes to comics but I will say that half the reason I am picking up this series is because of the art.

Some of the highlights out of this issue are the bird’s eye view of the farm, the large panels featuring a specific trinity member, and the barn at the end. The colors and shadows in these scenes manage to enhance the picture in a nearly perfect way. I feel as if I could take the final panel from the first page, print it out, and hang it on my wall and it could would be appreciated without any knowledge of its connection to comic books. The art here is spectacular and I am really looking forward to seeing more soon.


At the center of this story is Superman and his family. Their presence in this universe and their journey in it so far can be found starting in Convergence and continued in Superman: Lois and Clark.

  • Superman’s story of a Rainbow Suit Batman comes from Issue 241 of Detective Comics, a story which has not yet been reprinted in trade format.
  • Batman’s story of the previous Superman attacking him and Hal Jordan occurs in the first Justice League story arc of the New 52 and can be found in Justice League Vol. 1: Origin.
  • Wonder Woman references her past with the New 52’s version of Superman. This can be seen in any issue of the Superman/Wonder Woman series but starts in Justice League Vol. 2: The Villain’s Journey.
  • Wonder Woman also recounts her recent interactions with Cheetah. These can be found in the odd issues of Greg Rucka’s Rebirth Wonder Woman series, collected in Wonder Woman Vol. 1: The Lies.

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