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Review: Paper Girls Vol. 2

Quick Summary

Pros: The mystery and tension are both as interesting as before and even better in some places. The time-travel elements are well-executed and entertaining. The more meaningful aspects of the story are developed even more than before. The artwork is still incredible.

Cons: One element of the action feels rather unoriginal.

Overall: This collection either continues or advances nearly every positive from the previous collection. The mystery is more addictive, the action is more tense, and the characters are even more endearing than before. Part of this comes from the newly introduced time-travel elements, all of which help add something to the narrative. It also helps that the artwork is still just as gorgeous as it was before. All in all, anyone who enjoyed the previous volume can rest easy knowing that the next volume is just as good.


Paper Girls Vol. 2, by Brian K. Vaughan, is a major success in taking the Paper Girls series to the next level. It continues the comic’s complex narrative by further developing the intense mystery upon which the series is based. At the same time, action scenes, dramatic tension, and even a bit of humor ensure that there is plenty of entertainment in the meantime. There are also moments where the value of live is addressed in a way that feels truly meaningful. Overall, this collection offers a lot on its own and even more when viewed within the context of this series.

(spoilers start here)

Paper Girls Vol. 2 primary attraction comes from the way in which it addresses and builds upon some of the copious levels of mystery that were introduced in the first volume (Review). In some places, questions are answered, like those surrounding future-Erin and Kaje’s disappearance. Other questions are not explicitly answered but more information is given, like the mystery behind the “old-timers” and the random presence of Apple products. Meanwhile, new questions are constantly being thrown into the mix as a clone of Erin is introduced and interdimensional rifts complicate things even further. Through the slow introduction and reveal of mystery, readers are kept in a constant state of interest and always have more reasons to keep reading.

All of this also helps construct a storyline with plenty of tension and danger. Shortly after the volume begins, giant monsters begin battling one another in the middle of the city and a clone of Erin apparently kills someone. As the volume progresses, more danger is introduced as the Paper Girls attempt to move to the next stage in their journey. The only problem is that the debate over the intensions of clone-Erin feels exactly like an overused trope. Luckily, the vast majority of the action in this volume works out and creates a wonderfully tense reading experience.

Paper Girls Vol. 2 also introduces some very entertaining time-travel shenanigans into the mix. When the main characters arrive in the future, they have a chance to react to various elements of the reader’s present. In some cases, these reactions are humorous, like when they see the Ninja Turtles on a flat screen TV. In other cases, these reactions are more wholesome, like when past-Erin expresses her approval of future-Erin. . These reactions are particularly entertaining when they arrive at future-Erin’s house, which leads to a number of humorous moments.

Another positives in Paper Girls Vol. 2 is that, like in the first volume, it manages to develop some emotional and meaningful themes alongside the main story. The primary focus here seems to be on the value of life. This value is reflected in the future version of Erin, who believes her life has been wasted, and in Erin’s present situation, which has convinced her that her life is essentially worthless. These concepts are only beginning to reach their full potential, however, their inclusion still fills the volume with plenty of emotion and meaning.

(spoilers end here)


The artwork in Paper Girls Vol. 2 is every bit as gorgeous as it was in the first volume. Cliff Chiang’s sleek and stylized approach to characters and locations helps make everything pop right off the page. Chiang’s style also works well in easing the comic’s shift from suburbia to an environment that ends up being a bit more urban-centric. The transition works well and this new environment is just as unique and interesting as the old one. Overall, this comic ensures that this is still a visually impressive series.


Paper Girls Vol. 2 continues the story from Paper Girls Vol. 1 (Review).

The story here continues in Paper Girls Vol. 3 (Review).

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