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Review: Reckless

Quick Summary

Pros: The main narrative is intense and has a great mix of action and detective work. The comic has mysteries that hook the reader in from the start and even manage to build up excitement for the next book. The artwork looks great and suits the book well.

Cons: The comic feels a little basic at times.

Overall: This is a fun adventure centered around a solid mystery. The narrative has engaging action and is centered around an equally engaging mystery. This is then complemented by visuals that suit the work as a whole. The book isn’t incredible at all times but is a solid example of the genre it is going for. In the end, this is a book for readers who want a classic pulp mystery in comic book format.


Reckless, by Ed Brubaker, is a fun adventure from start to finish. The comic revolves around a classic-style pulp hero, with a gruff exterior and a mysterious past. For a living, he fixes other people’s problems, no matter how difficult they are or how much violence is necessary to overcome them. This intense action plays out alongside a slowly unfolding mystery, which makes the entire adventure even more enjoyable to experience. Admittedly, the comic doesn’t do much to push beyond the standard pulp hero story. However, the story told is still very enjoyable and should please anyone interested in the genre.

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The main narrative in Reckless has everything one could hope for from a pulp hero. It has intense bursts of action, slow-burning pages of detective work, and an awesome sense of resolution at the end of this. It is easy to enjoy all the way through.

It also has a mystery that does a great job with hooking readers in. As the comic progresses, readers uncover more and more pieces of Ethan’s past. These all add to the job he is currently doing, as it directly involves several of the friends from his old life. All of this makes the current story pretty addicting. Then, the conclusion reveals that this story is just the beginning of a larger conspiracy, which will likely be continued in following volumes. Together, these factors make it easy to get hooked onto this volume while also building excitement for the next one.

The only real problem with Reckless, if it can be called a problem, is that the comic doesn’t do much to set itself apart as something truly worthwhile. It has a moderately unique setting and concludes with a solid twist. However, it still feels a little basic. Readers looking for a straightforward pulp book will still be happy but those looking for more won’t really find it here.

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The art in Reckless is wonderful and is a perfect match for the type of story being told here. Artwork from Sean Phillips is intense and gritty in a way that matches the narrative’s intensity and grit. It also does a fantastic job in giving characters personality, giving gruff exteriors to characters with gruff interiors or simply bringing out emotions on characters’ faces. Colors from Jacob Phillips also enhance the artwork. These colors set the mood by perfectly bathing an emotional scene in the varied colors of twilight or by bringing out the scorching sun in more intense scenes. Altogether, the artwork looks great and makes for a better reading experience.


Reckless is the first comic in the Reckless series.

The Reckless series continues in Friend of the Devil: A Reckless Book

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