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The “Pacific Rim” Comics are Getting an Ultimate Omnibus Edition

The Pacific Rim franchise is getting a bit of a resurgence. The original movie was highly regarded by fans and, now, the awesome new Netflix anime series, Pacific Rim: The Black, is generating interest once again. Pacific Rim: The Black is noteworthy for expanding the lore behind the movies, diving into the tactics used by the Kaiju and the capabilities of the Jaegers. This lore is also expanded upon in the comics, which may have led to Legendary Comics’ decision to publish a new Omnibus Edition.

The Pacific Rim Ultimate Omnibus is set to release on January 18, 2022. This volume is set to collect Pacific Rim: Tales from Year Zero, Pacific Rim: Tales from the Drift, Pacific Rim: Aftermath, Pacific Rim: Amara, and Pacific Rim: Blackout. This effectively gathers together all of the Pacific Rim comics out there. These comics feature prequels and tie-in material to both Pacific Rim movies and the anime series. Plus, the solicitation states it will be collected in a “deluxe” sized hardcover, making it a collectors item for any interested fan.

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